Myofascial Release

Fascia and Myofascial Release Explained

Fascia is a three-dimensional web of tough connective tissue that runs from the top of our heads to the bottom of our feet and fingertips. Humans have bones, organs, muscles - fascia is what holds our form! It does not begin or end but is rather continuous forming an intricate net within our body.

Fascia surrounds and infuses every part of the body including the bones, muscles, vessels, spinal cord, internal organs, and all the way down to individual cells. Therefore, fascia can affect every system and function in the body if restricted.

Fascia can become restricted by poor posture, injuries, overuse syndromes, and surgeries. Everyone's fascial patterns and restrictions are therefore unique to them.

What to Expect

Myofascial Release is an individualized, whole body, deep yet gentle manual therapy developed by John F. Barnes that addresses the often overlooked fascia and fascial system in the body.

Your first appointment will consist of a postural screening looking for asymmetries and structural deficits in your body.

Myofascial release is a skin on skin technique so no oils, lotions, or creams will be used. It consists of a gentle yet deep application of sustained pressure placed into fascial restrictions that are unique to you.

Gym shorts, sports bras, two piece bathing suits or undergarments are suitable for treatment to maintain modesty.